Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Rocky Road Mochi

Remember that I told you in the previous post that I'm currently at Dunkin Donuts? I ended up buying a donut, the one that they don't sell in Indonesia. I couldn't help it! The name is "Rocky Road Mochi".  It had chocolate syrup on top, drizzled with roasted peanuts, and topped with some mini marshmallows. I expected it to be dry and airy because it was rather cold when I got it from the staff. Turns out, I was wrong.

The donut was very chewy and squishy and nothing near dry, nor airy, just like how mochi is. True, it felt cold when I first touched it, yet it seemed that it was only at room temperature at which the room was cold and beamed by a nearby air conditioner. I love the combination of chocolate and peanut, both of them are like a match made it heaven. The marshmallows, on the other hand, didn't steal the spotlight of the chewy dough even though they were tasted very nice on a donut.

Definitely buying this again when I got a couple of hours ground time at Kuala Lumpur.

Dunkin Donuts
Kuala Lumpur International Airport
Departure Gate (accross gate Q7)

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