Monday, September 10, 2018

Pineapple, Zucchini, and Kale

After my aunt and I bought Hurom, juicing became easier and much more fun. One morning, I got up and headed straight to the kitchen. I bought some fruit and vegetables the other night and started preparing them. They were pineapples, zucchinis, and kales. Put them all together in the slow juicer and bam! you got yourself a liter of fresh and delicious juice. And, the best thing is that them juices look like the ones that you can get at fancy restaurants.

The juice was green in color. Very cold and sweet, even though I didn't use any sugar, nor honey, in the process of making it. True, juiced zucchini sounds a little weird, but it worked out. The pineapple was overpowering the flavor, while the kale didn't do much about the taste. But, it sure did make the juice green. Hurom for the win!

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