Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Missing Bali

My house in Pejeng is quite breathtaking in the morning with all its' sun light, green dewy grass, chilly atmosphere, and quiet neighborhood. I regularly start the day with a bowl of fruits, my Mom and I got from the grocery store the day before, and a cup of hot green tea.

I've been learning and practicing about food plating. I love how them vegan restaurants, or a health bar, manage to scoop diced fruits and serve them beautifully in a bowl. Not to mention, the ingredients used are very vibrant and colorful, which tingles my appetite and also my needs for aesthetic. Here was my attempt. What do you think?

After breakfast, I carried on procrastinating by watching nice vlogs from the internet and mess around with my dog. He goes by the name Sapi, which is Indonesian for cow. I know, it sounds odd. But, the name "sapi" originated from his black and white fur that is similar to a cow. I miss this rascal.

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