Saturday, September 8, 2018

Mung Bean to the Rescue!

AirAsia’s in flight meal has always been my number one backup during those time when I was hungry, but currently undergoing a no-carbs no-sugar diet. I usually go for the mung bean porridge that costs me Rp20.000,00 for each bowl. The portion is not much and the presentation is rather dull and unattractive, but good enough to give me a boost of energy to finish the flight. 

It’s quite decent for an airplane food. The soup tasted sweet and creamy. I once thought that they were using milk and sugar to make the soup, but then my Mom got to try it during her flight to Bali and she confirmed that the soup was made out of coconut milk and palm sugar. True it contains sugar, hence it’s not suitable to be consumed during a no-sugar diet, but palm sugar is way better than those confection sugar, so it’s fine. On the other hand, the mung beans was not mushy and still chewable just how I like them to be. 

The cabin crew can serve the mung bean porridge how you want it to be. In my case, I like my porridge hot, so they put it in the oven first before serving it to me. If you like it cold, they can definitely add some ice cubes into the porridge. Or, if you’re on the safe side, a room temperature porridge is also available.

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