Saturday, October 13, 2018

TimTam Galore

Nona just got back from her holiday in Australia and she brought me three packs of TimTams in two different flavors, eeeppp! Despite the fact that I'm not TimTam's number one fan, I was nonetheless still excited to try out new and exciting flavors of munchies I've never tried before. 

These are special editions TimTams, you see. The flavors created was inpired from Gelato Messina, which is Australia's staple of gelato in which they produce more than 40 unique flavors of the Italian ice cream, and what I got from Nona was Honeycomb and Turkish Delight flavored. Not just the flavor, the TimTam biscuit itself was made to resemble Gelato Messina's gelato, so I had to chill them out in the freezer to bring them to their optimum state and flavor. Even the packaging was rather special as it changed its' color at low temperature - the printed words "Chill Me!" in white changed to sky blue with prints of snowflakes on it, how cool is that? 

The presentation of the chocolate covered biscuits was simple and unappealing as some of them were already melted from the rising temperature in Bekasi. I sliced each flavored biscuits into half and found the treasure that lied within. 

I first tried the Honeycomb flavored TimTam. The fillings had this mocha color, making it seemed like a tiramisu flavored instead of honeycomb. There was no bubble-like texture in the fillings mimicking a honeycomb, it was just plain smooth cream. To be honest, it looked rather dull, but then I took a bite and my mouth bursted with the sweetness of honey. 

The chocolate coating was already sweet, making a great combination with the chocolate biscuits that had a hint of bitter dark chocolate here and there. It already screamed, "DIABETES ALERT!", then there's the honey-flavored fillings that add an extra sweetness to your tastebud. It tasted very similar to Cadburry's Crunchie bar, but without the honeycomb toffee texture. I'm giving this flavor an 8 out of 10 because I'm a sucker for delicious sweets.

Then, it was time for me to try the other flavor, the Turkish Delight. Very unique choice of flavor, don't you think? I was skeptical on how they're going to implant the texture of a Turkish Delight into a chocolate biscuit sandwich without ruining the originality of both snacks but, then again, I took a bite.

The chocolate biscuit was sandwiching a pink cream that tasted like milky strawberry milkshake, and in the middle of that pink cream (which was frozen because I kept my TimTam in the freezer overnight) was a sweet strawberry-davored hard toffee-like transparent gummy in the color red. It's the Turkish Delight, I thought to myself, they owned it. The Turkish Delight had the gummy texture like how Turkish Delight supposed to have, and it tasted amazing too combined with the whole chocolaty goodness. Weird flavor combo, but it worked out just fine. I was blown away.

Both flavors tasted amazing, and if I had to choose which flavor is my favorite between these two, it would be the honeycomb one. Although the flavor combination can be pretty awesome, I'm just not that into chocolate and strawberry tangled with each other. Not Godiva's chocolate coated strawberries, though! They're just to die for. 

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