At times like this, the best remedy to keep me sane is Mom's cooking. She made the best food with her hand. She can't even imitate the taste of gorengan that you can find on the streets because Mom's gorengan tasted way much better than those on sale for Rp1.000,00 each. Even when she failed at making cookies, because the batter was to watery hence resulting a blob of crispy sugary substance, they still tasted good.
A couple of flights ago, she packed me some vegetable omelette, fried chicken, and some steamed broccoli. Nothing fancy, just a simple yet delicious range of food that suited my no-carb no-sugar diet. It was a long flight, but it didn't drained the life out of me because I had Mom's cooking to boost my energy.
I paired my dinner with a cup of Wedang Uwuh that I bought when Mom and I went to Solo. It's not the instant powder-type one, but the actual bag of herb itself. It consists, if I'm not mistaken, of cloves, cinnamon stick, ginger, nutmeg leaves, secang leaves, lemongrass, cardamom, and bits of rock sugar. Put them all in a cup, pour some hot water into it, and you got yourself a glassful of warm and spicy goodness. I didn't add sugar to my hot drink, and it tasted fine the way it is.
Despite the bad weather, I felt okay and managed to pull myself together through it all.
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