Wednesday, October 11, 2017

White Almond

I survived the day well. I managed to keep on track with my studies, had lunch with my new friends from the engineering division, then I rewarded myself with a pack of Magnum. The choice was either the Classic Magnum or the White Almond Magnum. I'm not really into both, but I settled with the Almond White Chocolate Magnum.

I'm not a big fan of white chocolate because it makes me nauseous. The White Almond Magnum was not an exception, but the vanilla ice cream and the almond pieces managed to cool it down. Loving the combination of the chocolate covered vanilla ice cream, but it would be better if it was milk chocolate instead of white chocolate.

See, the thing is, I managed to survive until sunset. But, the darker the sky gets, the more uneasy my heart is. My boyfriend will sign his contract with an airline this Friday and the thought of us getting more distant than we already have is troubling me. My head is filled with dozens of "what if"s. My chest feels tight. Breathing is okay for the time being.. I guess. 

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