Monday, November 5, 2012

Hummingbird Cake

This morning, I went to Dharmawangsa Square to get a weekly check up on my spine. As you all know, Jakarta is like hell on earth during Monday, with all those traffic jam and polluted streets. It took me an hour to get to Dharmawangsa Square with a cab and I didn't plan on going back home immediately after I was done with my checkup because I don't want to get stuck in a traffic for another hour. I decided to stroll around the city walk, paid a visit to Ranch 99 Market, and bought foodstuff for my Mom and I. After I bought a couple of fresh juice and a pack of oatmeal cookies, I headed to Kuekue with no intention on spending some money on petite cakes.. but then I spotted a funky looking cake that goes by the name Hummingbird Cake.

"What's a Hummingbird Cake," I asked to the cake lady. She explained to me that Hummingbird Cake is a cake made out of banana and pineapple. I have never tasted such cake before in my life, heck I didn't even knew such cake existed! So, I took out my wallet and bought a piece of the peculiar cupcake. 

While I was in a cab on my way home, I searched the web about this Hummingbird Cake. Then, I found out that a Hummingbird Cake is a cake which originated from Hawaii, which explains the tropical fruits base. The cake is made out of ripe banana, crushed pineapple, pecans, and cream cheese. I couldn't help but to wonder how the cake tasted like.. and I was stuck in a traffic for another hour. I had to refrain myself not to poke a finger inside the cupcake and savor the tropical fruit sensation.

When I got home, I immediately went up to my room and set up my instant photo studio. I took pictures and examined the cake as if I was a scientist in the movie Alien. The outer appearance is very pretty, the cake is topped with broken white cream and crushed pecans. I lick some of the cream that stained my fingers and tasted sweet sugary cream instead of cream cheese. "Maybe they were improvising with the recipe," I thought to myself. 

I unwrapped the baking sheet that was attached on the cake and found a golden brown cake. Suddenly, I was filled with happiness and enthusiasm. I cut a bit of the cake and munched. The cake itself tasted good, not too sweet, and I could feel the bananas and some pineapple chunks. I ate the cake along with the sugary cream, and I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed because the cream didn't blend well with the cake. I was hoping that I would get an epic explosion of flavors when I eat the so-called Hummingbird Cake, but it didn't turned out the way I expected it would be. All in all, the cake tasted nice. But, I think, it would tasted nicer if the cream was cream cheese. 

Not bad for my first Hummingbird Cake. When I have the chance to visit Hawaii someday in the future, I make sure I get myself a slice of an authentic Hawaiian Hummingbird Cake. Who knows, maybe I will find a surprise inside the cake, like a big chunk of pineapple in the middle of the cake or a generous amount of cream cheese on top of the cake decorated with pecans and pistachios. 

Dharmawangsa Square, Basement F1, No. 52
Jakarta, DKI Jaya 12160

Phone: (+62) 815 922 6222

Twitter: @kuekue1302

Sunday - Thursday: 9AM - 9PM
Friday - Saturday: 9AM - 9:30PM

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