Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Sensational Hot Jeletot

Has anybody heard of this food before? Its' name is Hot Jeletot. It's a deep-fried food that originated from Bandung, West Java. It was said that those who cannot stand spicy food would feel pain from eating this particular traditional treats. I was very curious by how deadly Hot Jeletot is, so I decided to give it a try.

Last Friday, me and my fellow employees of Gudang Rottie decided to buy ourselves some Hot Jeletot. We were lucky to find a Hot Jeletot booth not far from our working place, only a minute away if we are using motorcycle. A fellow waitress said that those deep-fried tofu are extremely spicy, which is why I decided to buy some for my Mom, thinking that she will love it and goes, "Spicy my foot!"

A dozen of Hot Jeletot, with complimentary chilly pepper from the seller

One for me, two for my Mom

I was ready to take my first bite of the sesational Hot Jeletot. The outer appearance of the deep-fried food is very appealing to me. Perfectly deep-fried, overflowing crispy batter on each sides, golden in color, not to mention the glorious savory aroma coming out from the freshly fried tofu. I was getting all fidgety, but I restrained myself not to go Hulk and devour the Hot Jeletot in a mere second.

The physical appearance of a Hot Jeletot, perfectly deep-fried and crispy

"Hot Jeletot's filling is very very spicy," said a fellow employee. As a person who cannot stand spicy food, I was excited and anxious. I decided to cut open the Bandung-originated treat to find out what lies beneath that crispy skin. To my surprise, I was welcomed by a stack of reddish orange vegetables that looked deadly, which aroma pierced through my olfactory system and made me crunched up my face in pain. Lethality level: Over 999999.

Cut it open, then you'll find the spicy filling

A close up of the spicy lettuce filling that burnt my tongue last week

I took a big bite of the deadly treat, a second later, I was in pain. My tongue was hurt from savoring the spicy filling of the Hot Jeletot, sweat drops were falling to my cheeks, again my face was crunched up in pain, and I gasped for air. It was very spicy, but I have to say that it tasted delicious. I couldn't take another bite of the lethal spicy fillings, so I took it our from the tofu and eat the remaining not-so-deadly deep-fried tofu. Without the filling, the tofu itself was savory and crunchy, very delicious and suitable to be eaten with a bowl of warm rice. This spicy treats are highly recommended for those of you who fancy spicy food and unafraid of setting one's digesting system into a raging inferno. 

Are you brave enough to challenge thyself to gobble down some Hot Jelatot? 

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