Friday, September 14, 2012

My New Favorite Restaurant

My new favorite restaurant in town! Kaca Mata Restaurant has the most awesome menu so far. In this particular restaurant, you can find lots of pork and lots of century egg. What is more awesome than a restaurant that serves both pork and century egg? I was beyond excited when my Mom took me to this restaurant. I was ready to order myself a bowl of pork noodle, but when I glanced through the menu, the word "Century Egg" caught my attention. Goodbye noodle, hello black egg!

Mom's lunch, a bowl of Pork Noodle

Those roasted pork were very tempting

Savory broth, brought to you by Kaca Mata Restaurant

Second serving, maybe?

While Mom fill herself with thin and skinny noodle, I spoiled myself with a bowl of porridge. This porridge came in a beautifully drawn bowl that has a lid. I was very very excited as I opened the lid, who knows what manna from heaven could be in there? I was welcomed by a stack of Cahkwe, a deep fried rice dough which originated from China, a large amount of hot and steamy porridge, and two slices of century egg. My mind went, "YAAAAAY!!"

The porridge is very delicious and savory. My Mom said that sesame oil was probably added to the porridge because it tasted different than any other porridge I have ever tasted. The century egg, on the other hand, tasted delicious in an odd way like usual. Very acidic and vinegar-like, and the texture is very mushy yet chewable. I finished the century egg first for some reason, I'm not sure what it is. I usually save the best for the last, but this time, I want to devour it first. The Cahkwe was very crunchy and it went well with the porridge.

My lunch! 

Piles of Cahkwe ready to be indulged

Want some?

The almighty Century Egg, we meet again

The egg yolk is very black and creepy, yet it tasted awesome!

The crunchy and savory Cahkwe

"Mom, what's that over there," I asked my Mom, pointing at the dark red rope-like object hanging behind a glass. "That's what you called Casio Goreng Madu. It's crispy pork, fried with honey, and it tasted very delicious," she answered. Those Casio looked very very very tasty, so we ordered a plate and dig in. 

See those dark red object hanging behind the glass?

A close up of the Casio Goreng Madu

I took a bite of the so-called Casio Goreng Madu, and I immediately lost my sanity. "What is this why can it tasted so delicious I don't even asdfghjkl," I said to myself. I sounded crazy, I know, but wait until you take a bite of this delicious delicacy yourself. You would probably be as sane as I was. 

Casio Goreng Madu is the name of the dish. Crispy pork, bathe in honey and fried until it's crispy. It's very sweet, thanks to the honey, and I love it very very much, especially the burnt one. I have found my new favorite dish of all time, and you can find it at Kaca Mata Restaurant. Do try this dish. It's very delicious, the first bite made me feel like as if I was watching Super Junior's concert. 

Manna from Heaven 

God's epic fingers

Kaca Mata Resraurant
Grand Wijaya Centre
Jl. Wijaya II, Blok C No. 4
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta

Phone: (021) 723 5228

1 comment:

  1. The food looks amazing! It’s no wonder that it instantly became your new favorite restaurant. The pork noodle and the porridge look delicious and palatable! The Kaca Mata restaurant surely knows how to give the best for the customers.
