Saturday, April 14, 2012

Erdinger Night

On the fourth of April, my Dad decided to throw an early wedding-anniversary dinner at a German Restaurant named Die Stube, which was located at South Jakarta. He invited his best buds, along with their family, and we indulge on numerous German cuisine that would make you feel as if you were on a vacation at Germany. It was a great night, celebrated with great friends and great food. 

The sight of the tall Erdinger Beer that the adults consume

They look very refreshing, don't they?

I see nothing wrong with consuming a glass of Australian Wine at a German restaurant

I couldn't help but to want to keep the wine bottle

My Dad ordered two plates of Knuckle Pork, which came with four side dishes that we can choose by ourselves. He handed over the job of choosing the side dishes to me and one of my friend who joined the dinner, Memes. After a long consideration, we decided to order two plate of roasted potatoes (the one that my Mom can cook at home), a bowl of spinach with cream, and some German noodles.

It was hard to choose a dish from the Pork section, as they all sound delicious and
wonderful. It's a good thing the menu is written in both English and Germany

You know you will have a great dinner when the sight of the
side dish is already mesmerizing and jaw-dropping.

A bowl of creamy spinach that would make you go gaga the moment
a spoonful of the vegetables enters your mouth. 

I would finish this plate of roasted potatoes all by myself if I could

Die Stube served the Knuckle Pork a bit different than other German restaurant that I have visited in Jakarta. Most of restaurants would just served the dish in its original form, as in the meat is still attached on the patella, which requires us to cut the meat by ourselves like cave men. But, the kind and caring Die Stube chef wouldn't want us to sweat ourselves by only trying to cut the meat into pieces, so, they took the liberty to cut the meat for us in advance. My favorite part of the dish is, of course, the crispy and salty skin that would make melodious crunching sound when you eat it.

The famous Knuckle Pork that my Mom and Dad could indulge together
without any help from other hungry fellows

Don't you just want to stuff yourself with this appealing dish?

I ordered myself a plate of Schnitzel, which is deep fried bread crumbs covered pork fillet. This dish is awesome in so many levels! This particular dish share the same concept with Fish & Chips and Chicken Cordon Blue, as it is covered with bread crumbs and is deep fried. The Schnitzel that I ate at Die Stube comes with a peculiar sauce that goes by the name the Gypsy Sauce. I couldn't help but to be curious about this magical sauce.

When the dish arrived at my table, I immediately cut a piece of the Schnitzel, pour the almighty Gypsy sauce on top of the cutlet, and let myself indulge a bite. It tasted non like any other Schnitzel that I have ever tasted before. The combination of the sauce and the deep fried pork cutlet is wonderful. The Gypsy Sauce turned out to be a sweet and spicy sauce, cooked with onion and paprika. I have always have this particular thought that the best way to eat Schnitzel is with some black pepper sauce. But now, I officially declare that to indulge on this deep fried pork cutlet with Gypsy Sauce is way better than to eat it with black pepper sauce.

A plate of Schnitzel with a large portion of sweet and mushy mashed potato

Salad is best to be indulged on after you finish your Schnitzel

The almighty Gypsy Sauce that goes swell with the pork cutlet

Memes, on the other hand, ordered herself a plate of rice with creamy chicken and vegetables, which look very delicious and ridiculously creamy. Her Dad, whom I usually call by the name Romo, had a nice steak which came with some stir-fried vegetables and a boiled potato with cheese on top. 

The next time I visit Die Stube, I'm sure going to have a taste of this
chicken-based dish that looks awesome and fulfilling

Which do you prefer, a gorgeous steak with barbeque sauce on top,
or a splendid tray of Schnitzel with Gypsy Sauce?

Die Stube is a great German restaurant that you can visit when you have the urge to indulge on delicious German cuisine. This restaurant is a splendid choice for those of you who happen to be financially capable to indulge on fancy food. If you don't feel like having dinner, you can leisurely take a seat on the bar and grab yourself some genuine German beer instead. 

For more information, you can visit Die Stube's website at

Die Stube German Bar & Resto
Jl. Kemang Raya No. 2 
Bangka Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Phone: (021) 719 2486

Opening Hours: 
Monday - Friday: 11:30 AM - 12 AM
Saturday - Sunday: 11:30 AM - 1 AM

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