Monday, March 12, 2012

Lotte's Custard Cake

One of my Dad's old friend and his family went to Seoul, Korea, for a few days and just got back from the country of great taste. Yesterday, his daughter, which happens to be my kindergarten friend and my senior, stopped by at this house of mine to hand me some souvenirs that she bought at Seoul. There were shot glass, a pair of home socks, an "I Love Seoul" pen, and a pack of Lotte's snack. I got so excited when I saw such peculiar food. The urge to try a bite of the korean cake is unbearable.

The words in green are read "Custard", whilst the
white words bellow it are read "Original"

I opened the rather medium-sized packaging and found six small
packagings inside, which contain one custard cake each

I took a packaging and opened it, and I found a shiny golden cake that would make your fingers all sticky when you touch it. I was already amused by the physical appearance, which I found cute and turtle-like (because it has this shape that looks like a turtle's shell. Well, at least I think it does.) I was a bit confused on how to eat the custard cake, so I decided to split it into two parts. I got a good look of the custard fillings at it was soft yellow in color, not much different from the color of the inner part of the cake. 

I took a bite of the puffy custard cake. It tasted good, as in the composition of the cream was well-balanced and the texture of the cake was soft like sponge cakes. The cream filling tasted fine, as it was not too sweet, which made a perfect combination with the rather sweet and sticky cake. It took me less than a minute to gulp down the whole cake. It's not as big in size as it looks because each custard cake is only as wide as a seven-year-old's palm. 

A cracked-open custard cake that was filled with
a rather creamy, not too sweet, fillings 
I finished a pack last night and I'm tempted to have one pack at the moment. But since it's a snack that you can only buy at Korea, then I shall resists the temptation on having a bite. The great thing about being given food as a souvenir is that you can indulge the same food that the local people usually eat without having to spend some coins on buying a plane ticket to that particular country. But you have to eat it bite by bite because you will probably be lacking of chances to get another taste of that food when it's finished. Enjoy both the simplicity of souvenir food and the little things in life.

How can you resists such soft and creamy cake?