Wednesday, January 23, 2013


On January 19, my parents and I hopped into a plane that would carry us to Doha, Qatar. It was around midnight when our aircraft reached a certain altitude in which the seatbelt signs were off, permitting the passengers and aircrew to roam around the aisle. When the steward and stewardess are free to stroll around, and you smell something good from the galley, there can only be one thing . . . flight meal!


Curried Potatoes in Roti Jala

I had this elfin dish for starters. "Curried Potatoes in Roti Jala" is what was written in the Business Class' menu. Judging from the name of the dish, this food must have an Indian touch in it. I have not eat Roti Jala (Net Bread) before, so I had to depend on my imagination to visualize the physical being of the dish. 

When the food came, it was not like how I expected it would be. I thought the dish would, at least, share the same size with my palm and is dark yellow in color from the curry sauce, but it was not. Instead of a messy Indian dish, I got a petite roll of what it seemed to be thin savory crepe with potato salad in it. On the other hand, the whole presentation of the food was simple and pretty, it matched the title "palate pleaser". 

I cut the Roti Jala, along with some Curried Potato, into bite sizes and had a mouthful of it. I thought the Roti Jala would tasted like either Roti Canai, or Roti Prata, but I stand corrected. It actually tasted like savory crepe. And the Curried Potato was far from sharing the same taste with curry. I was hoping for a strong piquant taste of Indian spices, yet I got a creamy egg-like and faintly sour smack. 

Warm Roast Beef and Brie Sandwich, with Caramelized Onions and Mustard Dressings 

The main star of that night's Indulgence, a nice plate of sandwich! In most of my night flights from Jakarta to Doha I always have an encounter with this certain dish. The sandwich will always be filled with beef and cheese, and is decorated with some crisps green on the sides. I usually get the one with thin sliced beef, but this time, I got the thick one. 

The sandwich was warm. That slice of Brie cheese that was peeking out from the sandwich was very gooey and on the edge of melting. Those thick beef let out a nice aroma, especially the part that has caramelized onion on it. 

I had to eat the caramelized onion first before I eat the entire sandwich, because I thought the sweet strong flavor of the onion didn't go well with the bread and the meat. After I got rid the onion, then I proceed to munch munch munch. The purple grayish beef was chewy, making it hard for me to enjoy it, but the Brie was very very nice, gooey, and beyond enjoyable. All in all, it was a lip-smacking and mouthwatering sandwich! 

After I fill my stomach with some refreshment, I immediately fell asleep on my foldable seat. I slept for hours, whereas I usually would just spend hours watching Disney movies on the In-flight Entertainment. I closed my eyes for a second and, the next thing I know, a stewardess named Terra was waking me up and offer me something to eat for breakfast.


Peach, Mango, and Banana Energizer

The energizer was creamy and milkshake-like. The banana dominate the flavor, which I fancied, yet it has the aroma of a peach. As much as this energizer tasted good, my love for Qatar Airways' Strawberry & Banana Energizer is much much bigger.

Breakfast Bakery Basket: Croissant, Pain au Chocolate, Soft Roll, Brown and White Toast

Pain au Chocolate is my favorite! Filled with melted chocolate jam, topped with chunks of chocolate, Pain au Chocolate is similar to Croissant in terms of pastry. It was crunchy on the outside, yet soft and chewy on the inside. I really enjoyed having a bite of this pastry to start my breakfast with.

Fresh Seasonal Fruit with Honey Yogurt

I was a bit full that morning, so I went with the fruit plate instead of the salad with smoked salmon. There were Pataya, Kiwi, Orange, and Grapefruit, with a blob of sweet Honey Yogurt. It was a light and colon-friendly appetizer!

Cookies and Milk

Since I skipped main course, I took the liberty to ask the stewardess for a glass of fresh milk. Other than the fact that milk will give you energy, it is colon-friendly as well! The stewardess was very kind to give me a pack of Belgian Chocolate Cookies to go with my milk. I opened the small packaging and was welcomed with a couple of dark cookies with chocolate chunks on it. I dipped one into the milk and indulge. Breakfast has never been this good!

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