Saturday, December 1, 2012

Chitato: Okonomiyaki

Chitato is one of the so many crisps that you can find at supermarkets in Jakarta. They came in three flavors: Barbeque, Spicy Chicken, and Original. Last week, as I strolled around a rather big supermarket around the neighborhood, I stumbled upon a new flavor of Chitato: Okonomiyaki. 

Chitato Asian Cuisinie was the title of the trendy snack. "Khas Jepang" was written on the packaging, which means "Japanese Style" literary translated. I have ate Okonomiyaki before and it tasted like savory pancake. Cooked with some noodles and veggies, topped with a special black-colored sauce, Okonomiyaki is one of the God-knows-how-many Japanese cuisine that I like. But, the Okonomiyaki-flavored Chitato tasted far from alike from a genuine Okonomiyaki. It share the same flavor with Chitato: Barbeque and I was disappointed. I share the snack with my cousins and they were also disappointed the lack of similarity in terms of flavor. "They used the same seasoning and merely changed the name of the flavor. How original," ranted my cousin. 

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