Friday, April 12, 2013

3 Months Hiatus

Good day, readers!

I will not be posting any articles for the time being because I will be very busy with school. You see, I just got accepted to the flight school that I applied to, and the students are required to stay at the barracks for the next three months. Expect me and Milky Way Cafe to resurrect around July, or August!

So, in the mean time, you can scroll down and re-read every post that I wrote in this cyber journal of mine. Just to, you know, kill time until I get back.

Have a good day now, readers, and don't forget to have lunch!

Kinan L. Wirastani


  1. Whooa kinan... I must be so sad :( actually i'm ur silent reader. Gak pernah kasih komen eh tiba2 kamu udah mau hiatus. Saya suka baca tulisan kamu yg "jujur" dan saat mau komen rada minder karena bahasa inggris saya payah. Haha.. :D
    dan akhirnya saya komen di sini. Hihi.. Smg sukses y sekolahnya dan ditunggu postingan selanjutnya :D

    1. Aah Kak Ayu, terima kasih ya udah langganan baca blogku! Aku barusan baca blognya Kakak dan seneng juga aku bacanya. :D

      Terima kasih atas dukungannya Kak, nanti aku bakal update blogku 3 bulan lagi hihihi! :D

  2. looking forward for the next post in a few months! :)

    1. Thank you, Irene! And I'm looking forward to read yours in a few months as well. :D

  3. Hello!!

    Just stumbled upon your blog and can't stop reading it! Love the photos and the detailed stories about each food, mind if we exchange links? =)

  4. Kinan! i miss you so much! Please come back fast so we can have more food adventure together with Angel again. I hope you're doing well there<3 xx

  5. I'm new on reading your blog, and I really love your writing style! :D You're one of my inspirations on starting a food blog as well, hehe ^^
    I can't wait to see more posts from yours, once you get back on posting again :)
