My best friend Sally is back from Australia woohoo! She has been away
for half a year and she is finally back to Indonesia for Christmas
holiday. We made plans with the rest of the girls to meet up, but
unfortunately Icha was studying for her final exam and Angel was having
her wisdom teeth removed, so it was just the two of us. We decided to go
to Pantai Indah Kapuk for some culinary adventures, and our lunch place
was at LOCALE24 Diner & Bar.
LOCALE24 Diner & Bar |
After a two hours drive under heavy rain, we finally arrived at Pantai Indah Kapuk. It was not that difficult to locate the dining place because you just can't miss that signature rivulet colored bus. The restaurant does look small from the outside, but as you step into the place, you will find an american-diner-themed bistro.
Christmas songs was played through the speakers. There was this big Christmas tree near the cashier table. The restaurant was a sight for sore eyes.
The lovely bar of LOCALE24's |
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ~ ♪ |
Sally's back from Aussie, woot! |
We were pretty hungry when we arrived at LOCALE24, so we immediately browse through the main course section and order us some meal.
Sally got herself a plate of Crispy Pork Over Rice that costed her Rp40.000,00. I didn't expect the restaurant to serve Asian dishes, because judging from both interior and exterior design, I thought they would be serving non other than American food. Lesson learned: don't judge a book by its' cover.
The presentation of Sally's meal was very simple. A handful of rice topped with a sunny-side-up, with mustard and crispy pork bathed in soy sauce on the sides, and garnished with some greens. I took a spoonful of the pork as I was curious, and it tasted good. The pork was nice and crispy, I really love its' texture that shared similarities with deep-fried lungs - it's a shame they only use soy sauce for its' broth. But, no matter how delicious this dish was, there was nothing special about it. Even my Mom can make it at home.
Sally's Crispy Pork Over Rice - 40K |
As for me, I had me a platter of Waffle with Fried Chicken Sandwich. It came with french fries and macaroni as side dishes, and chilly sauce for some dipping business. The overall presentation of my sandwich waffle was very lovely as they were served on a cutting board blanketed with deli paper. What I love the most was the adorable little flag on top of my waffle!
The waffle itself was deliciously crispy and chewy on the inside. Too bad the batter was sweet, making the waffle had a hint of sugary goodness in it, which didn't work well with the thick and savory fried chicken. It felt like seeing Fred hooking up with Velma, and not Daphne. (Remember, Scooby-Doo?)
On the other hand, the macaroni was very enjoyable as it was glazed with butter and onion mixture. It had a strong onion flavor, which I am fond of. The french fries were crispy golden brown, nicely salted, and they were slightly spicy from the pepper.
My Waffle with Fried Chicken Sandwich - 42K |
Loving the miniature flag |
For dessert, we ordered this brand new dry-ice-based dessert named Cool Kids. This kind of dessert is very popular nowadays. You can find some ice cream parlors at malls that makes their ice cream and dessert using liquid nitrogen and dry ice, and apparently LOCALE24 has discovered a few ways to experiments with them also.
Cool Kids consisted of a beaker of creamy and sweet iced latte jelly drink and three bars of ready-to-dip chocolate biscuits. It took a long time to prepare the dessert, we had to wait for almost half an hour, but it was worth it. The waiter will then serve the dessert and explain how to indulge it.
First, we have to drink the iced late to neutralize the flavors in our mouth. I really love the latte, it was very creamy and thick, and slightly sweet but not too bitter. We were given shot glasses to drink the latte with, and at the bottom of the shot glass was a glob of coffee-flavored jelly. Very delicious!
After we were neutralized, simply grab a bar of biscuit and dip it into the liquid nitrogen. Leave the biscuit be for around two minutes so that the nitrogen will soak into the chocolate goodness. FYI, the dry ice mixture was 100˚-200˚C cold! It was so cold your hand would burnt if you touch it too long.
2 minutes passed, you take your biscuit and have a bite. Because the biscuit is super cold, those who have sensitive teeth might want to be cautious because your teeth will hurt by just taking a bite, like I did. I felt the stinging sensation as I bite my biscuit, then it spread to the molar teeth as I chew. You will also feel this burning sensation on your tongue when the cold dessert made contact.
But, the fun part about eating this dessert is that, when the dipped biscuit has entered your mouth, smoke will come out from both mouth and nose of yours. The smoke was created as cold temperature from the biscuit made contact with the hot temperature inside your mouth, making us look like a fire-breathing dragon from How to Train Your Dragon. I included a video of me and Sally taking turns in enjoying LOCALE24's Cool Kids, you might want to take a look.
The new kid in town, Cool Kids |
They gave us three bars, when there were two of us. Mean. |
Overall, I would rate my experience dining at LOCALE24 a 7 out of 10. The food was good, although it can be better, and the price was also student-friendly. Love the new kid in town and looking forward to try the other two dry-ice-based dessert.